Dr. Dallas Peak has Completed ReCODE 2.0 Training

Dr. Dallas Peak was awarded a certificate of completion for the Apollo Health ReCODE 2.0 training program. This is the official training offered only to licensed healthcare practitioners for The Bredesen Protocol, a comprehensive protocol for the reversal of the cognitive decline in individuals with early Alzheimer’s disease, MCI (mild cognitive decline), SCI (subjective cognitive decline), or those at risk for cognitive decline. Guided by chief science officer Dr. Dale Bredesen, this is the only training program to utilize the PreCODE (prevention) and ReCODE (reversal) software algorithms to apply the principles of the Bredesen ProtocolⓇ in order to guide participants toward optimal brain health.

The Bredesen Protocol is a personalized program to prevent and reverse cognitive decline associated with subjective cognitive impairment (SCI), mild cognitive impairment (MCI), and early Alzheimer’s disease. Apollo Health’s ReCODE 2.0 training provides the tools needed to manage the overall care, including identification of the specific drivers of cognitive decline and development of a treatment plan using the Bredesen Protocol with the PreCODE and ReCODE Reports. Bredesen protocol practitioners are in high demand, and their specialized knowledge and expertise provides the tools necessary for treating, preventing and reversing cognitive decline.

The modules of this training program covered many areas, starting with a foundation of the basic science of Alzheimer’s disease, followed by the paradigm-shifting changes to the current standard care provided to such patients which make this approach unique and what is truly best described as “21st Century Medicine.” The program goes on to emphasize the foundational lifestyle factors that are the underpinnings of such care. Special sections were also devoted to cover pathogens, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT), environmental toxins, dental and oral health, genetics, sleep apnea, and biotoxins such mold, Lyme and mast cells.

About the author

A medical doctor who will "Look Deeper" to help everyone achieve their "Peak Health"